Who are those people you see whizzing down the Parkway single-file, as if they’re an Olympic speed-skate team? Looks fun, huh?
Now you, too, can get in-line for the latest craze, which mixes ice-skating, roller-skating and skiing. In-line skating, also called rollerblading, is now being taught by the only Philadelphia female certified by the International In-Line Skating Association. Her name is Jennifer Goldstein, and her clinics are being offered to the public on weekend mornings inside Fairmount Park. (Call clinic coordinator Bob Gollwitzer, 236-7119.)
If you have no skates to glide with, you can try Goldstein’s new company, Bladin’ Action, the first and only rollerblade rental and retail shop in Philadelphia, in the Sporting Club at the Bellevue (731-0977). The concept came from her undergrad thesis at the Wharton School: “A New Product: In-Line Skates.” Talk about an accelerated education…
Lauren Chalmers